TINSR is a provider of innovative insurance strategies to technology orientated companies. We help protect your company by managing your risk.
Anne M. Stoner
Founder of TINSR, LLC
When Anne founded Technology Insurance Special Risks, LLC in 2003, she saw an outstanding opportunity to combine her 15 years of providing insurance to the mid-sized market sector ($25 million to $1 billion in revenues) with her 7 years' experience dedicated exclusively to emerging technologies.
Prior to starting TINSR, Anne focused on technical innovations at Hasting-Tapley Insurance Agency in Cambridge, MA.
She has worked closely with MIT, becoming a member of the MIT Enterprise Forum and later the Chair of the Forum's Start Smart and CEO Roundtable programs. The Technology Licensing Office (TLO) at MIT continues to refer Anne to startups emerging from MIT labs along with startups from the Photonics Center and BioSquare at Boston University.
She has written several articles appearing in periodicals such as Mass High Tech on topics ranging from Errors and Omissions Liability, Patent Liability, Internet Liability and Directors and Officers Liability. She has made presentations to law firms on Intellectual Property throughout the greater Boston area, and has spoken to many business groups, including The Sloan Business School.